Mothers and daughters of the Spanish Transition to Democracy

Stolen Motherhoods

Mujer y Memoria is an open-access digital platform that gathers multimedia projects on the intersections of gender and fascism in 20th century Spain.

Mothers and daughters of the Spanish Transition to Democracy
The first of these projects, Mothers and daughters of the Spanish Transition to Democracy, is an audiovisual archive that gathers, preserves and provides access to the testimonies of Spanish women who became adults and mothers during the thirty-six year Francoist dictatorship. Their daughters, who came of age during the Spanish transition to democracy (la “Transición”) and its subsequent democratic governments, interview them about their recollections of the pre-democracy years and the socio-cultural differences they perceive between the two generations.

Stolen Motherhoods
Stolen Motherhoods, the most recent Women and Memory project, focuses on the unresolved disappearance of children during Spain’s fascist dictatorship and its first years of democracy (1939-1980s). It is a well-documented testimonial archive that highlights the victims’ political agency, thus counteracting the distorted media treatment of their cases in Spain.